Septorhinoplasty in Annapolis

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Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum, which can cause breathing difficulties. Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that changes the external shape of your nose. When done together, a septorhinoplasty in Annapolis can improve your ability and the external appearance of your nose.

Double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Namita Murthy offers expert care for anyone unhappy with their nose. She will use her vast experience, knowledge, and artistic talents to fashion a nose that allows you to breathe better and looks more to your liking.

What Gives Your Nose Its Shape?

Your nose is shaped by bone, cartilage and the overlying soft tissue envelope. Your nasal bones create the hard upper top of your nose, like a roof. The middle and tip of your nose are made of cartilage, which is softer and slightly flexible.

Your nasal septum is a thin piece of cartilage and bone between your left and right nasal passages inside your nose. It is usually straight but can be bent or twisted through injury. Many people damage their cartilage and break the nasal bone this way. Some people cannot breathe through their nose at all when their nasal septum has been damaged or have difficulties with recurrent sinus infections because of the blockage.

Do You Need a Septorhinoplasty?

If you notice problems with breathing or have frequent sinus infections, a septoplasty in Annapolis can restore better breathing. Dr. Murthy can remove areas of your nasal septum to straighten it or even remove them in some areas, improving your ability to breathe easily.

If you have a visibly bent or bumpy nose, you may prefer having a septorhinoplasty to address breathing issues and the appearance of your nose. Bumps can be removed and bends straightened, so your nose looks better.

If you have breathing difficulties, especially if you need to breathe through your mouth much of the time, you may want a septoplasty to improve your ability to breathe, especially during exertion, such as climbing stairs or running.

Surgery is the only option that can give lasting relief from breathing difficulties caused by a deviated septum. A steroid nasal spray may help slightly by decreasing swelling inside your nose to improve airflow, but it is only a temporary fix.

What Does Septorhinoplasty Surgery Involve?

Rhinoplasty surgery is routinely done as an outpatient procedure. You are able to return home the same day. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which means someone must drive you home and stay with you that evening.

The procedure can take two to five hours, depending on what is being done. Dr. Murthy will make small cuts inside your nose (closed septorhinoplasty) or on the outside skin on the bottom part of your nose between your nostrils (open septorhinoplasty). Through these tiny incisions, she can move your nasal septum into its proper place and smooth bumps, so your nose will have an improved contour.

Immediate Post-Op Recovery

Dr. Murthy prefers to avoid packing your nose, but sometimes packing is required. If she must pack your nose with gauze to stop bleeding and to support any repositioned bone and cartilage, you will need to breathe through your mouth until it can be removed. Sometimes, the packing can be removed several hours after surgery, but sometimes, it needs to stay in place until the following day. You may need to be seen in our office to have the gauze removed the day after surgery.

You will usually need either an internal or external splint to help keep everything in place as it heals. An internal splint can also help prevent scar tissue from forming. Splints are usually removed during an office visit a week or two after your surgery.

As anesthesia wears off, you will be given pain medications. Remember to fill your prescription pain medication prior to surgery. As pain decreases, you will be able to use over-the-counter pain relievers.

You can expect a swollen, black-and-blue nose immediately after surgery. The bruising around your nose can also extend into one or two black eyes. The bruising will dissipate over the following days. Using an ice pack can help limit bruising and swelling, but you must be very careful and gentle. Most swelling will go down in two weeks, though it may not completely fade for three months or more. You may have to wait a few weeks to see the final result of surgery, but you will quickly notice an improvement in your ability to breathe as tissues inside of your nose heal and lose their swelling.

Recovery From Surgery

Most of our patients need about two weeks off work in order to recover from septorhinoplasty surgery in Annapolis. You will not be able to lift or push heavy objects for at least two weeks, and you should not fly for 14 days after your operation.

Avoid all exercise for two weeks. After that, returning to solitary exercise such as jogging and weight training is safe. Because you must avoid damage to your healing nose, contact sports such as football should be avoided for a couple of months. Even a sport like basketball is not a good choice because a ball or a hand could accidentally hit your nose and send you back to surgery for a repair.

Since you should not blow your nose, you must avoid dusty environments that could trigger sneezing or excess mucus production. You should not smoke, as the toxins in tobacco smoke will irritate the inside of your nose and delay healing.

Schedule a Consultation for Septorhinoplasty in Annapolis

If you feel you may need a septorhinoplasty, Dr. Namita Murthy can help. As a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon, she can evaluate your situation by talking with you and examining your nose. She can create a personalized surgical plan to relieve your breathing problems and improve the contour of your nose.

Call our office to schedule an appointment. Once your breathing and nose contour are improved, you will notice an increase in self-confidence and improved breathing leaving you with more energy.