Hair Restoration


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Are you watching your hairline receding? Does it seem like there is more hair in the shower drain and in your brush than on the top of your head?

By the time men turn 50, 85% will have some obvious hair loss. Women, too, can have significant hair loss and make up about half of the population dealing with hair loss in the United States. There are so many solutions on the market, but most of them do little more than cost you money. Hair restoration in Annapolis, MD by double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Namita Murthy is a solution that can give you long-term results.

Types of Hair Loss

In order to discuss hair restoration, it is helpful to know a little about the different types of hair loss. These can include:

  • Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness, genetically determined condition, different hair loss pattern in men and women, caused by excessive response to androgens
  • Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that occurs when a person’s immune system attacks hair follicles
  • Telogen effluvium, excessive shedding of resting hair after a metabolic stress, hormonal changes like pregnancy, or due to medications
  • Anagen effluvium, excessive shedding of actively growing hair caused by damage due to chemotherapy, radiation, exposure to toxic heavy metals, trauma, malnutrition, infections, or hormonal changes
  • Hypotrichosis, a rare inherited condition that causes little to no hair growth on your head and other parts of the body
  • Cicatricial alopecia, an inflammatory condition that destroys hair follicles causing scarring and permanent hair loss

The cause of your hair loss can play a role in which treatments are better suited for you.

What Is Hair Restoration?

There are several ways to deal with hair loss. Although most shampoos and supplements will not provide the results you hope for, there are some that can provide obvious results if used when you first notice hair loss.

Medications for Hair Loss

Topical or oral minoxidil can stop hair from thinning and will stimulate new hair growth. It is useful for patients with a variety of different types of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, hypotrichosis, and some forms of cicatricial alopecia. How this medication works is not well understood, but it has been shown to increase blood flow by increasing vasodilatation (dilation of blood vessels). Because this medication does not affect androgenic hormones, it can be used by both men and women. Side effects can include scalp redness and irritation. The medication must be handled carefully to avoid unwanted facial hair growth.

Oral finasteride is a prescription medication for men only with male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). Finasteride slows hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. It works by inhibiting the body’s production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone instrumental is causing hair loss by damaging hair follicles. It cannot be used or even handled by women of reproductive age because it affects hormones needed for normal male fetal development. Side effects are rare but can include erectile dysfunction and depression.

Antiandrogens like spironolactone or oral contraceptives containing estrogen may stop hair loss in female pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Side effects can include irregular menstrual cycles, depression, and drowsiness. Any woman who is trying to become pregnant cannot use these medications until finished with childbearing.

Any medication to help improve hair growth will take three to six months before any effect is seen. It may be difficult to appreciate results until closer to one year of use. If medications work, use can be continued for as long as desired. Hair loss may recur once the medication is stopped.

Corticosteroids can be used for hair loss due to alopecia areata. The steroid can suppress the autoimmune attack, allowing hair to grow. Steroids can be applied as a topical cream or injected directly into the scalp or skin. Treatment takes place about every four to six weeks. Hair regrowth can be seen as early as one or two months, but if no visible effect is seen after six months, treatment is discontinued. Side effects can include scalp irritation, thinning of skin, and a puffy face.

If hair loss is due to a fungal infection such as tinea capitis, an antifungal medication can treat the infection and allow hair growth to return to normal when treated early. Treatment routinely lasts several months to eliminate the fungal infection fully. It can take one to two months before results are seen. Side effects can include a rash and GI problems.

Many times, a combination of medications is used for hair restoration in Annapolis. A few medications may be added to others listed above. Hydroxychloroquine can reduce inflammation. Minocycline and doxycycline (antibiotics) can decrease immune reactions.

Unfortunately, if your hair follicles have stopped producing hair or have become inactive, or if you have significant hair loss, these medications may be unable to help you.

Nonsurgical Hair Restoration Treatments

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Dr. Murthy offers platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections to the scalp to help stimulate hair growth and density.  Your own blood is drawn and then spun down to extract the plasma which continues growth factors and cell signaling proteins that can kick-start hair follicles into the growth phase.

Microneedling with Topical Exosome Application

Exosomes are the new frontier of regenerative aesthetics and hair restoration. Exosomes are nanoparticles of lipids, peptides, growth factors that regulate cell signaling pathways.  Exosomes can be derived from multiple different tissues such as human adipose tissue, bone marrow, perinatal tissue, or plant-derived cells.  When combined with microneedling, exosomes can be applied topically to penetrate deeply into the affected areas of hair thinning and loss to stimulate hair growth.

Hair Transplant Techniques

Some years ago, hair plugs were the common treatment. In these treatments, the surgeon would take round sections of skin and hair follicles from the back of the head and insert them into the bald sections. There have been significant improvements in hair transplants, creating much more natural results. These newer hair restoration procedures take considerably less time, too.

Dr. Murthy specializes in providing a natural appearance with surgical hair restoration or hair transplantation. There are two modern surgical hair transplant procedures that she uses:

FUT (or FUSS) – Follicular Unit Transplant or Follicular Unit Strip Surgery – In this procedure, the surgeon will remove a strip of skin from the side or back of the head or in some cases, the back, chest, or chin. The strip of skin is separated into units with one or more hair follicles. Those units are then inserted into the area being treated.

FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction – In this procedure, the surgeon uses a tiny tool to remove the follicles from an area with ample hair and then inserts them into the balding area.

During your consultation with Dr. Murthy, she will evaluate your current hair and advise you on the best procedure for your situation. She will answer all your questions and address any concerns you have.

Am I a Candidate for Hair Restoration?

The best candidates for hair transplants are men who have been dealing with male pattern baldness for more than five years and men and women who have lost hair due to trauma. You will need to have healthy hair growth at the donor sites.

Women dealing with hair loss may be good candidates for hair transplants but require a more extensive work-up prior to surgery.  They may require a period of medical management before surgical hair transplantation.

Benefits of Hair Restoration Surgery

Hair loss can be caused by factors such as aging, a change in hormones, medications, or a family history of baldness. Hair restoration can counteract these influences by reducing the appearance of baldness and providing a fuller head of hair.

Restoration of normal hair growth can have strong psychological effects. Many men feel their hair loss ages them.  When their hair is restored, their self-confidence will improve.

What to Expect During a Hair Transplant Procedure


Prior to any treatment, Dr. Murthy will discuss what you hope to see after the procedure. You will explain your aesthetic goals and your lifestyle. She will analyze the condition of your scalp as well as your current hair growth and your future hair loss pattern. She will also take into consideration how fast you are losing your hair. She will determine the best donor sites to harvest follicles. All these considerations are necessary to achieve a natural result.


In hair restoration surgery, you will likely be given an injection to numb the back of your head. If the FUT method is used, Dr. Murthy will remove a strip of skin from the back of your head and close the incision. This area will be hidden by the hair around it. She will then divide the strip into hundreds of tiny sections. The amount will depend on the type of hair you have and the size of the area where the transplant is needed.


Dr. Murthy will outline your post-surgical care. She will discuss with you what to expect and to call if you have any concerns. You will be scheduled for follow-up visits to assess results and to plan any future treatments.

What is Recovery Like After a Hair Restoration?

Recovery is different for each patient and depends on the amount of treatment done. You can expect your scalp to be tender. You may be prescribed antibiotics and pain medication for several days. You will need to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks. Most people can return to normal activities a few days after the surgery. In about two to three weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out. However, new growth will appear within a few months. The full result of a hair restoration surgery takes one year.

What Will Hair Restoration Accomplish?

Your hair will look fuller and healthier. Bald spots will be less visible or will be eliminated, depending on the location. Many patients report feeling more self-confident. Remember that hair restoration can only accomplish so much, but the effects will be noticeable. If you want more dramatic results, Dr. Murthy can recommend additional procedures. Dr. Namita Murthy can help you achieve the head of hair you had when you were younger.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Namita Murthy for Hair Restoration?

Dr. Namita Murthy brings her expert training and ten years of experience to personalize the treatment for hair restoration in Annapolis. She is focused on producing natural results. Contact our office to set up a consultation on hair transplants and hair restoration.

The Aesthetics of Confidence

When you are confident, it shows. Not just in your behavior or your vibe, but in all you do.

If you are self-conscious about a particular area of your body, that shows as well. Imagine the freedom that comes with not worrying about your look when you make your way through life; the freedom of knowing you are putting your best self out there. That is the aesthetics of confidence.