Facial Plastic Surgery in Prince George’s County

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Anyone can be unhappy with their facial appearance. You may feel that you were born with a nose that is too big for your face, or you have broken your nose multiple times, or just one very nasty break, leaving you with a lumpy, bumpy nasal bridge.

You may want to change parts of your face as you notice signs of aging. As your body ages, your face will lose some of its underlying fat and your skin will contain less collagen and elastin. Add in the effects of gravity and wrinkles, and a sagging jawline can develop.

Dr. Namita Murthy is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who can balance your facial features in subtle but significant ways to give you a natural appearance that will make you feel your best. Murthy Facial Plastic Surgery offers a wide variety of procedures and treatments that can address the areas of concern from your hairline to your neck.

Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery

Facelifts and neck lifts are mainstays in facial plastic surgery. Dr. Murthy can perform a modern facelift using current techniques that will give you a more youthful and rejuvenated look without looking stretched or unnatural.

All facial cosmetic surgeries are personalized. Even when you are not happy with your appearance, you do not want to lose the features that make you unique. Dr. Murthy will preserve the features of your ethnic and racial identity and make subtle improvements to leave you looking like the best version of yourself.

Facelifts can be extensive or limited to a specific problem. If your main issues are in your upper face (cheeks, eyes, forehead) a facelift with brow or forehead lift can improve many issues. If your main issues lie in your lower face (around mouth, chin and jawline, neck) a facelift with neck lift may be needed for your desired results.

If you want to avoid surgery or are not a good candidate for surgery, non-surgical treatments can make wonderful differences. Dr. Murthy can use non-surgical facial improvements to give you a more youthful appearance or even change the shape of your features.

Brow and Forehead Lifts

A brow and forehead lift can address concerns in your upper face. You can significantly decrease wrinkles with these procedures. Dr. Murthy can make specific changes around your eyes to open up your eyes. Forehead frown lines can be reduced to barely noticeable, so you will look more rested and relaxed.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Some people develop drooping or puffy eyelids as they age. If you are one of those people, a blepharoplasty, also called eyelid surgery, can help sagging eyelids. For some patients, treating their sagging upper eyelids will improve their field of vision. Undereye bags can be smoothed, which can help you appear more energetic and youthful.

Is Surgery Right for You?

Not everyone wants to have surgery. Dr. Murthy will gladly work with you to create improvements with non-surgical treatments. Dermal fillers and BOTOX® Cosmetic can make significant changes but their disadvantage is that they are not permanent and require intermittent treatments for continued changes.

Skin rejuvenation treatments like microneedling, dermabrasion, and laserskin resurfacing can restore your skin to a brighter, more youthful appearance. If hair loss is an issue, Dr. Murthy offers a variety of therapies, from platelet-rich plasma treatments to hair transplantation.

At some point, you may decide you do want to have surgery in order to make more permanent changes. Every patient’s facial plastic surgery plan in Prince George’s County is individualized to meet your aesthetic goals. You can choose whether you want a major change or prefer a slower, stepwise approach.

Improve Your Appearance Through Facial Plastic Surgery Prince George’s County

It does not matter whether you are a man who is bothered by the changes of aging or a young woman who feels her nose has been too big all her life. People can be interested in facial plastic surgery and other facial treatments for many reasons. If you are looking for ways to improve your appearance, make an appointment with Dr. Namita Murthy. You can discuss your aesthetic goals and the procedures and treatments that may help you reach your goals. It may surprise you how much your self-confidence will improve when you change your facial appearance. Start your journey today.