Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to change your upper or lower eyelids. Most eyelid surgery is performed for cosmetic reasons, but some people need eyelid surgery to improve their field of vision.
The skin and tissues around your eyes become thinner and droop as you age, creating changes like new bags under your eyes that make you appear more tired than you are. Your upper or lower eyelids can sag, sometimes to the point of limiting your ability to look up at something effectively.
If you are interested in improving the appearance of your eyelids, blepharoplasty may be the solution for you. A consultation with double board-certified surgeon Dr. Namita Murthy can help you determine what changes are needed to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Blepharoplasty refers to various surgical procedures involving the eyelids. Depending on the changes you want, you may need modifications to your upper or lower eyelids or both.
An upper lid blepharoplasty surgery can also address eyelid ptosis, where your upper eyelids droop over your eyes. The surgery can include the excision of excess upper eyelid skin and the removal of excess fat. If the muscles that help raise your upper eyelids have become detached, the surgery can repair them. For many patients, upper eyelid surgery improves their field of vision where eyelids block it and do not allow their eyes to open fully. Many patients report that friends will notice that they look perkier and younger than they used to after their surgery.
A lower lid blepharoplasty in Prince George’s County corrects sagging lower eyelids and undereye bags. Only minor repositioning and removal of excess fat and skin is needed to return your eyes to a more youthful appearance. Dr. Murthy can also perform a procedure called canthopexy, in which the outer corner of your eye is anchored to the underlying tissues to help reduce new sagging and the reappearance of undereye bags.
Some preparation is needed before you can have a blepharoplasty in Prince George’s County. First, you will not be able to wear contact lenses for about 14 days or more, which means you need a good pair of eyeglasses to wear during that time. We would prefer that you do not need to squint, so be sure your eyeglasses are up-to-date and will provide you with excellent vision. You may want to practice wearing your glasses more frequently prior to surgery so that your eyes adapt to wearing glasses instead of contacts.
Second, you must stop smoking at least 14 days before surgery. The toxins in tobacco can delay healing, and the smoke will irritate your eyes. You are also expected to stay tobacco-free for at least one month after surgery. Your best choice is to stop smoking permanently.
Eyelid surgery is routinely done as an outpatient procedure with local anesthesia combined with IV sedation. You will not be able to drive yourself home after surgery, so be sure to arrange for a trusted friend or family member to be with you on the day of surgery.
Swelling and bruising around your eyes after eyelid surgery is normal. If swelling is bad enough to impair your vision, you should contact us immediately. Gentle use of a cold pack and keeping your head elevated will help keep swelling to a minimum. You need to be able to sleep with your head elevated, so be sure to have enough pillows or plan to sleep in a recliner for the first few nights after surgery.
Postoperative pain can routinely be taken care of by over-the-counter pain relievers and cold packs.
Any surgery carries risks, but significant problems are rare with eyelid surgery. You will be instructed on what to watch for, such as infection or excess bleeding. Other possible but rare complications include injury to eye muscles, noticeable scarring, or skin discoloration.
You will likely not be able to appreciate the changes to your eyes for at least a few days. The results of your surgery are permanent, but nothing can stop the changes that will continue as you age. Dr. Murthy will teach you about the very best care for the delicate skin around your eyes. You will also need to wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off that delicate skin.
If you are wondering if eyelid surgery can help your appearance or if you are noticing difficulty looking up, you need to make an appointment with Dr. Murthy. You will be able to discuss your concerns with her and have all of your questions answered. Blepharoplasty may be what will improve your appearance and give you a less tired and more youthful look.