Closed Rhinoplasty in Annapolis

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Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the appearance of your nose. A closed rhinoplasty in Annapolis leaves no external scars because all incisions are made within your nostrils. Many changes can be made to your nose, such as narrowing the tip or the bridge of your nose while smoothing out any bumps or curves.

Some people have genetically determined shapes of their noses that they do not like, while others arrive at a bumpy nose bridge or crooked nose due to a broken nose earlier in life. A closed rhinoplasty could also fix breathing difficulties due to a deviated septum or narrowed nasal passages.

Dr. Namita Murthy is a double-board-certified plastic surgeon who can help with aesthetic concerns and breathing problems. Because each person’s facial structure is different, she will customize a surgical plan for your nose job.

Understanding the Closed Rhinoplasty Surgical Procedure

During a closed rhinoplasty, also called endonasal rhinoplasty, Dr. Murthy will make incisions inside your nostrils to reach the areas to be changed. These incisions allow ample access without leaving visible scars.

Dr. Murthy separates nasal mucosa (the lining of your nasal passages) from bone and cartilage during your surgery, so each tissue can be addressed separately. She can reposition your nasal bones, remove or reposition cartilage, or reshape the tip of your nose.

Advantages of the Closed Rhinoplasty

In a closed rhinoplasty, incisions are only made inside of your nose, not on the outside.

Your surgery time is usually shorter with a closed rhinoplasty in Annapolis. For most rhinoplasties, including open rhinoplasty, incisions must be made inside of your nose, even if there will also be incisions on the outside. Not making external incisions saves time during the procedure.

Most patients have less scarring after a closed rhinoplasty than an open rhinoplasty. This can be very advantageous if you are prone to building scar tissue, which could block your nasal passages.

Patients with a closed rhinoplasty also report less swelling, enabling them to heal faster. Less disruption of nasal tissues with the closed technique also aids in quick healing. Most patients with a closed rhinoplasty return to work after one week, but there are still limitations regarding activity.

The Closed Rhinoplasty Procedure

Dr. Murthy performs closed rhinoplasty in Annapolis while you are under general anesthesia. Depending on the procedure, it routinely takes one to two hours to complete.

Most patients return home the same day of their surgery. You will want a friend or family member to help you on the day of your surgery because you will need a ride and should have someone to help you when you first arrive home.

It is important to get enough rest after your surgery. Keeping your head elevated will help reduce swelling. For two to three weeks, you should avoid intense activities such as heavy lifting and pushing and strenuous exercise to avoid excessive postoperative bleeding.

Potential Risks and Complications of a Closed Rhinoplasty

Any surgery carries risks, and you could have complications. Anesthesia used during the surgery can cause nausea or difficulty breathing.

You may notice a certain numbness in your nose immediately after surgery. This is due to mild disruption of nerves during your surgery. It is rare to have permanent nerve damage that causes problems, as the numbness usually disappears over the weeks following your surgery.

Long-Term Results

It can take up to 6 months before you see the final results of your rhinoplasty. While most of the swelling will disappear quickly, small pockets of fluid can remain for an extended time. It could be three to six months before those disappear. You will have multiple follow-up visits with Dr. Murthy, who will check your healing process.

Changes made during surgery are permanent. Luckily, your nose does not tend to show the same signs of aging as the rest of your face. You should be able to enjoy the results of your surgery for many years.

Schedule Your Consultation for a Closed Rhinoplasty in Annapolis

If you do not like the shape or size of your nose or experience breathing problems, a closed rhinoplasty in Annapolis can help. Contact our office today to set up an appointment with Dr. Murthy. During your visit with Dr. Murthy, she can create a plan that can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.